Trinity Wiseman won the William's Sing-Off competition. The Cultural Trust narrowed down over 50 applicants to the top 5 finalists. Pittsburgh superstar, Billy Porter, then selected the winner from the finalists. Billy chose Trinity as this years top singer. Trinity was the first winner to perform an original song on the Benedum stage for First Night 2018.
Trinity Featured in Variety Radio Online (VRO) Podcast
Ashley Friedman interviews Trinity on the VRO here. Listen to Trinity Talk about her songwriting process and her latest songs.
Trinity Featured in WYEP Interview
Listen to Trinity interviewed on WYEP here.
Trinity Wins 1st Place in Singer/Songwriter Contest
On September 9, 2017 the WYEP judges announced Trinity Wiseman as the winner of the WYEP singer/songwriter contest. She and nine other singer/songwriters in the region were competing at the finals in Market Square, Pittsburgh.